Gloria Jean's

Gloria Jean’s Coffees in Australia was founded in 1996 with the ambition to be the most loved and respected coffee company worldwide. Currently there are more than 900 coffee houses across 39 markets worldwide. Gloria Jean's Coffees started in 2004 in New Zealand. We have 5 coffee houses and we're working to spread the love for more to come!
Nabi Saleh, an Australian businessman, coffee lover and expert, together with his business partner, Peter Irvine, set their sights on bringing specialty gourmet coffee, Gloria Jean’s Coffees, to Australia.
In 1996 the first Australian Gloria Jean’s Coffees store was opened in Miranda, Sydney.
By 2004 Gloria Jean’s Coffees had opened more than 200 coffee houses across Australia and become a national brand with coffee houses present in every Australian state and territory. With success accomplished at home, Nabi and Peter set about achieving their vision to make Gloria Jean’s Coffees a successful global brand.
Setting off to bring their specialty coffee to the world, Nabi and Peter returned to the USA in 2004, to purchase the international branding and roasting rights for all countries outside of America and Puerto Rico, and in doing so setting up Gloria Jean’s Coffees International Pty Ltd.
Five years on, in early 2009, the global story was completed when Gloria Jean’s Coffees International Pty Ltd. finalised negotiations to buy Gloria Jean’s Coffees U.S. retail and franchise operations from the then U.S. owner.
Today, with coffee houses in 39 markets around the world, much has changed within our business except one thing: our passion for excellent coffee, our dedication to doing business with heart, and our unwavering ambition to be the most loved and respected coffee company in the world.